
ワニダ・タッカー Wanida Tucker


10人兄弟という大家族の末っ子として、タイの北東地方に生まれました。大学卒業後、ワニダの母はずっと精神生活に興味を持っていましたが、頭を剃って寺に入り尼になりました。数年後、自身も仏教の瞑想の方法を学びました。1990年タイのスアン・モーク(Suan Mokkh)僧院で行われた瞑想リトリートで初めてヨガアーサナ(ヨガのポーズ)を体験。毎日早朝、生徒はみな経験ある教師の指導のもと、1時間のヨガアーサナでウォームアップします。ヨガアーサナがとても楽しく、それ以来書籍やヨガクラスで学びながら独学で練習を続けてきました。 



Wanida grew up in northeast Thailand. She is the youngest child from a large family of ten children.  When Wanida graduated from university, her mother (having always been interested in the spiritual life), shaved her head and entered a Buddhist temple as a nun. Several years later, Wanida also learned how to practice Buddhist meditation. In 1990, while at a meditation retreat at Suan Mokh temple in Thailand, she had her first experience of yoga asana. Early each morning, all the students would warm up with one hour of Yoga asana, led by an experienced teacher. Wanida enjoyed Yoga asana so much that she continued her practice on her own, learning from books and Yoga classes.


In 2006, after sixteen years of practice, she began teaching yoga classes in Hokkaido. Three years later, in April 2009, she went to India to enroll in the Sivananda Yoga teachers training course. This course was held at Himalaya Sivananda Ashram on the Ganges River, in Uttarkashi, in the Himalaya. Since earning her teaching certificate from Sivananda Ashram, she has continued teaching her own classes in the Sapporo area, based on the Sivanada school of Yoga.